Assessment: Escuela Tlatelolco performance is assessed through innovative systems that track both academic and social progress. For example, curriculum and teaching methods are designed to promote discipline inquiry among your adolescents. By assessing high order or critical thinking skills, the school and teachers establish this outcome as a top priority that is incorporated into daily instruction and activities.

Escuela's philosophy is that learning is developmental and individuals may developing different ways and at different rates. Movement through Escuela is paced by ability and motivation rather than by age or perceived grade level. The growth and development of each learner will be continually tracked and monitored through one or more of the following assessment and evaluation tools (described in more detail further in this section):

•Teacher observation and record keeping

•Weekly-daily lesson plan


•Escuela Tlatelolco learning projects and presentations

•Attendance records

Teacher Observation and Record Keeping

A core component of our school philosophy includes daily comprehensive observation.

At all grade levels, direct observation is systematically recorded to note each Student's strengths and weaknesses in specific skill areas and is used as a continuous measure of Escuela Tlatelolco progress.

Inference Observations - This type of observation mirrors anecdotal Observation, but it is more subjective in nature. The teacher observes a student when specific information is required to help answer questions or concerns. Based on the observations, inferences are made as to the student's behavior, reasons for social or academic difficulties he may be having, reoccurring conflicts or other questions or concerns. These observations then allow the teacher to take steps to rectify the situation.

Record keeping is highly individual. This area of assessment is subject to revision by the head teacher and staff. Mid-term evaluation summaries are mailed out to parents each school session (five during each year) followed by end-of-session evaluations by class. The end-of-session evaluations are provided during parent/teacher/student conferences.

The parent/teacher/student conference is a key Escuela Tlatelolco evaluation process and is held five times a year.

Weekly Lesson Plan

All teaching staff are required to submit weekly lesson plans three weeks in advance for each of Escuela's nine week sessions. Weekly teacher conferences are held to review plans for instructional objectives, use of instructional material, and evaluation process


Escuela Tlatelolco utilizes portfolio evaluation and student oral presentations to assess student learning. Students are required to keep two portfolios: a Quarter Portfolio and a Year End Portfolio. The Quarter Portfolio represents the student's academic work for each respective quarter. The Year End Portfolio is the grading mechanism that follows the student from his/her academic career to graduation from Escuela Tlatelolco. The Year End portfolio contains twelve sections that represent the student's individual learning process.

Escuela Tlatelolco Learning Projects and Presentations

Throughout the school year all students will have a choice, the number to be decided by the classroom teacher, of projects that span the curriculum to complete and present to the class. The projects will involve research, a written component, a final product (i.e. poster, diorama, media presentation, book/report, game, etc…) and an oral presentation that demonstrates their learning. Projects will be documented throughout the year as part of a student's portfolio. Students are assessed based on their work portfolios and test scores. Escuela Tlatelolco achievement in writing, reading and mathematics will be based on each Student's best work. Youth and their teachers will identify examples of the Student's best work that is aligned with both statewide assessment procedures and classroom activities.

Students are also required at the end of each session to give an oral presentation before an evaluation panel to demonstrate the student's learning. The evaluation panel is comprised of volunteers from varied backgrounds and careers.

Test and Exams

Tests and/or exams closely resemble real learning tasks. For example, a student's autobiographical essay will be required to emphasize the development of ideas and coherent expression. Student's writing will demonstrate their knowledge base (not memorization), and will prepare them for essay and written assessments.

Students also begin taking both the pre ACT and SAT at the Bridge level (9th & 10th grade). And are required to take the ACT for graduation.

Students are required to take the College Level Entrance Placement Exam (CLEP) in a foreign language - most likely English or Spanish. Students may CLEP out and receive high school credit as well as college credit by taking advance placement tests or CLEPs in other academic areas.

Timeline for Achievement of Standards and Escuela Tlatelolco Success: We design the learning environment to insure that all young adolescents will have the opportunity to succeed in every aspect of Escuela, regardless of previous achievement or the pace at which they learn. To ensure that all Students learn, the educational program will be shaped to fit the needs of Students by:

•Grouping Students for learning;

•Scheduling classroom periods to maximize learning; and

•Expanding the structure of opportunity for learning.

Changes in curriculum, instruction, organization, scheduling and family alliances increase the odds of success for every young adolescent. Many Students will need more help than others to meet higher expectations. Experience has taught us that higher expectations alone will not lead to improved academic performance unless it is accompanied by increased individual attention, strong teacher involvement, before- and after-school learning opportunities, and a strong commitment by the Student's family.

Escuela institutes a plan for "continuous correction" to provide additional support for Escuela Tlatelolco needing more time, encouragement, or instruction to learn. Students and parents receive access to an extended school day, a Summer Institute program, Saturday enrichment programs, specialized daily instruction, an after school therapeutic program and increased support resources for families.

Evaluation and Assessment
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